Tips to Enhance Online Learning Retention

Online educators are constantly looking for ways to improve their courses and they measure various parameters to understand the efficiency of lessons. Many teachers use multiple tools to build accessible online learning courses for a diverse audience. But the ideal way to measure success is checking online learning retention. Educators pride themselves when their students remember what they learned and apply it correctly. If you want to enhance retention, we’re here to help!

Tips to Boost Online Learning Retention

Diversify Your Content

Diversify Your ContentNobody wants to listen to hours of lectures or watch boring presentations. If you want to boost retention, then you must grab attention. You can rely on online learning trends to add variety to your classes. For example, you can use microlearning to deal with short topics. A five- or ten-minute audio clip can provide learners with everything they need to know. But spaced repetition could work better for complex subjects. Providing recaps and reviews helps your learners recall information quickly. You can use technology like VR and AR to build immersive experiences where learners can practice their skills. Using multiple teaching methods and trends will keep students engaged and excited.

Test Often

Test OftenEncourage your learners to revise what they learn to boost online learning retention. You can help them do this by incorporating a quick quiz after every class or topic and you can even use gamification elements to make the test engaging for students. Apart from testing knowledge, an assessment promotes healthy competition amongst peers and learners feel motivated to revise and perform better than their friends.

Make It Practical

Make It PracticalThe best way to enhance online learning retention is with practice. Most online lessons focus on theory, and learners struggle with applying their knowledge. Let’s look at how you can change this. Start by promoting a connection with the content. Assume you’re trying to teach fire-safety laws and you can create an animation where the character is a firefighter. Try using real-life anecdotes to encourage students to engage with the content better. A dialogue simulator lets learners practice their soft skills. Electricians, plumbers, and surgeons can master their art safely in AR and VR environments.

When it comes to online learning retention, interactivity is crucial. All the methods discussed above encourage learners to engage with the content, which leads to active learning. In these situations, students do not act as bystanders. Instead, they take on an active role as learners. Interactive lessons and tests encourage them to think about the knowledge they receive. By enhancing the interactivity of your course, you can boost retention.

If you’d like to build interactive online courses, you can sign up on TG Campus. Our cutting-edge platform offers every tool required to engage your learners. We support audio, video, and PDF files, allowing you to share content in multiple formats. The platform comes with a robust testing tool that enables you to track your learner’s progress and help them revise. With TG Campus, boosting online learning retention is easy.

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.