How to Get a Scholarship for Your Higher Education

Most high school graduates have a list of expectations right before they join college. After managing the stress of exams and getting done with the discipline of the school, you’re all set to experience the freedom of college life. Since it’s your first step towards adulthood, get ready to take some important decisions. What begins with choosing the major subjects in school, ends up at the college gate. But there is one concern that tags along with the excitement of this new life – financial expenses. It includes college fees, accommodation costs, and other miscellaneous expenses.  However, a scholarship can help. But what constitutes a good scholarship? How do you search and apply for one? The answers to these queries will vary from person to person.

Before you begin your search, you should be clear about your goals. Have a precise idea of what you’re looking for and the associated requirements. Here’s a guide on how to begin your scholarship search.

Begin your search early:

This is the first and most important step while searching for a good scholarship. You can start your preliminary research anytime. However, it’s best to start a few months before the admissions begin. Since most scholarships have an early deadline, it’s safe to commence your search as you prepare for your scholarship exam. Prepare a spreadsheet that contains information about your NEET scholarship or JEE scholarship. Maintain and update it religiously.

Know where to look:

A simple search on Google will provide you with thousands of options. Once you prepare a draft of the spreadsheet, visit the official page of the organisation providing the scholarship. Take further steps only after checking their background. You can also contact awardees from previous years to get more information. You should also go through newspapers and magazines that provide reliable data.

Use the application process:

Instead of aimlessly applying, filter out scholarships based on their requirements. While some of them may ask you to fill a basic form, others might need a write-up in the form of long essays. Mention your academic achievements, past participations, club memberships and extracurricular activities.

Know the different types:

Merit-based scholarships, Minority scholarships, Need-based scholarships and International scholarships are all available. You need to find scholarships that match your qualifications and apply accordingly.

Use the internet wisely:

The online presence of any scholarship does not guarantee its validity. Pay the application fee only after you’re completely sure about its authenticity. Create an account on a trustworthy site that helps you find scholarships based on the filters you set. Consider attending workshops and join online communities to stay updated on the scholarship dates and deadlines.

The entire process, beginning from the application to the result, requires great patience and consistency. Even though the procedure may feel tedious, it is certainly worth the effort. Don’t forget to prepare well in advance for your scholarship test.

Written by Today's Geniuses
Today’s Geniuses comprises of all the members of TG Campus. It includes IIT Alumni, PhD holders with fellowship and Subject Matter Experts, creating an enthusiastic bunch of Geniuses who are driven by their passion to empower learning.